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Thomas Huber

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Looking at a Painting

"Studio I / Vortrag ", 1992
[Studio I/ Talk], oil on canvas, 160 x 160 cm, banc and eazel, privat collection, Wien, TH-1993-DF-01

"With dismay I see, dear ladies and gentlemen, that you are all already here. We are not yet ready for the opening of the exhibition. You have come too early. You have gathered before the painting, full of expectations. Your gaze is directed at the painting. You are so very there, as though someone had painted your gaze on the walls of the exhibition room."
   -T.H., Die Ausstellung (The Exhibition)-

> Graphics and Multiples (4)


Bildanschauung.jpg "Bildanschauung - Arrêt sur l’image ", 1996
(Looking at Pictures), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (ed.), Publisher: Jürgen Häusser, Darmstadt, 1996, [de, fr], 88 pages, 36 illustrations, format: 20 × 15 cm.

  PDF:  Arret-sur-limage.pdf
  PDF:  Bildbetrachtung-1996.pdf
  PDF:  L-exposition-1994.pdf

Gallery (11)

TH-1994-B-01.jpg "Die Ausstellung", 1994
[The Exhibition], oil on canvas, 160 x 240 cm, Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1994-B-01
Das-Wesen-des-Bildes-1992.jpg "Das Wesen des Bildes", 1992
[The Essence of Pictures], display case made of wood, four receptacles, soap, thermometer, salt, oil, gold fish, sponge, rose, 250 x 200 x 75 cm, FRAC de la Lorraine /Metz, TH-1992-O-02b
07h2-_TH-00-I-12.jpg "Bühne zu György Kurtágs ", 2000
Stage design, assistant: Felix Balzer, Theater Luzern, TH-2000-I-12
07h3.jpg "Bild als Bühne", 2011
exhibition: "Bild als Bühne. Thomas Huber in der Sammlung Isolde und Henning Rickmann", Kunsthalle Göppingen; Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg
07h1.jpg "Studio I / Vortrag ", 1992
[Studio I/ Talk], oil on canvas, 160 x 160 cm, banc and eazel, privat collection, Wien, TH-1993-DF-01
TH-1992-DF-03.jpg "De directeurskamer / Das Direktionszimmer", 1992
[Director’s Office in the Centraal Museum Utrecht], lion, lamb, table with inlaid work and bench (Thomas Huber/ Martha Huber-Villiger), paintings, floor design, Centraal Museum Utrecht, TH-1992-KB-01
TH-1993-DF-03.jpg "Das Studio", 1993
[The Studio], lion, lamb, two paintings, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-DF-03
TH-1993-B-15.jpg "Der Rauch I", 1993
[The Smoke I], oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-B-15
TH-1993-B-16.jpg "Der Rauch 3", 1993
[The Smoke 3], oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-B-16
TH-1993-B-17.jpg "Der Rauch 4", 1993
[The Smoke 4], oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-B-17
TH-1993-B-18.jpg "Der Rauch 2", 1993
[The Smoke 2], oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm, Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf, TH-1993-B-18
> Graphics and Multiples (4)

Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 16:46:54

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