"Rede in der Schule",
[Talk in the School], oil on canvas, 220 x 320 cm, private collection / Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, TH-1983-B-01
"Rede in der Schule", 1986 (Talk in the School), Vista Point, Cologne, 1986, 34 pages, 24 illustrations and 20 slides, format: 21 x 14 cm.
PDF: Rede-in-der-Schule.pdf
PDF: Discours-a-l-ecole-1984.pdf
"Rede zur Schöpfung", 1983 (Talk on Creation), Kunsthalle Bern (ed.), 1983, 44 pages, 30 illustrations, 1 fold-out plate, format: 21 x 14 cm.
PDF: Rede-zur-Schoepfung.pdf
PDF: Discours-sur--la-creation-1983.pdf
"Rede über die Sintflut", 1982 (Talk on the Great Flood), Das Büro, Düsseldorf (ed.), Düsseldorf, 1982, 48 pages, 26 illustrations, 1 layout drawing, format: 21 x 14 cm.
PDF: Rede-ueber-die-Sintflut.pdf
PDF: Discours-sur-le-deluge-1982.pdf
"Rede in der Schule", 1983 [Talk in the School], oil on canvas, 220 x 320 cm, private collection / Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, TH-1983-B-01
"Rede über die Sintflut", 1982 [Talk on the Great Flood], oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, private collection Düsseldorf, TH-1982-B-01
"Rede zur Schöpfung", 1982 (Talk on Creation), oil on canvas, 80 x 320 cm, privat collection, Düsseldorf, TH-1982-B-02
"Rede in der Schule", 1983 (Blackboard, preparatory drawing for Talk in the School), blackboard paint on wood, T-square, wooden parts, measuring rod, and red cord, 200 x 300 cm, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, TH-1983-Z-01
"Rede über die Sintflut", 1982 [Talk on the Great Flood], performance by Thomas Huber, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1983