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Thomas Huber

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Run for Your Lives

"Sauve qui peut ", 2010
(Run for Your Lives), oil on canvas, 100 x 140 cm, privat collection Zürich, TH-2010-B-01

"The depth of a picture is a menacing absyss. One must face it carefully if one is not to fall. Without considerable cau-tion. the making of pictures is a dangerous endeavor. It can cause one to perish."
   -T.H. Theoretische Bilder (Theoretical Pictures)-

> Graphics and Multiples (2)


  PDF:  Seance-Thomas-Huber-2010.pdf

  PDF:  Seance-Thomas-Huber-2010-F.pdf

Gallery (13)

TH-1910-B-01.jpg "Sauve qui peut ", 2010
(Run for Your Lives), oil on canvas, 100 x 140 cm, privat collection Zürich, TH-2010-B-01
TH-2008-B-01.jpg "Was macht er da?", 2008
[What’s He Doing?], oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm, private collection, Collonge-Bellerive, TH-2008-B-01
TH-2008-B-02.jpg "Große Kiste", 2008
[Big Box], oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm, private collection, Grand Saconnex, TH-2008-B-02
TH-2008-B-03.jpg "Stromkasten mit Bildern", 2008
[Electricity Box with Paintings], oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, private collection, Collonge-Bellerive, TH-2008-B-03
TH-2008-B-04.jpg "Ratlose Ankunft", 2008
[Perplexed Arrival], oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm, private collection, Berlin, TH-2008-B-04
TH-2008-B-05.jpg "En attendent", 2008
[Waiting] oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm, private collection, Veyrier, TH-2008-B-05
TH-2009-B-01.jpg "Auf großer Fahrt/ Große Fahrt", 2009
(On a Great Journey), oil on canvas, 200 x 250 cm, privat collection, Basel, TH-2009-B-01
TH-2009-B-02.jpg "Noah", 2009
Oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, privat collection, Chênes-Bougeries, TH-2009-B-02
TH-2009-B-04.jpg "Séance", 2009
Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm, privat collection, Geneva, TH-2009-B-04
TH-2010-B-02.jpg "Sackträger", 2010
(Angry Sack Carrier), oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, Fonds municipal d'art contemporain (FMAC), Geneva, TH-2010-B-02
TH-2010-B-03.jpg "tambour", 2010
(Drum), oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-2010-B-03
TH-2010-B-04.jpg "AH-AH", 2010
Oil on canvas, 200 x 280 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-2010-B-04
TH-2010-B-05.jpg "Aushub I", 2010
(Excavation I), oil on canvas, 160 x 240 cm, privat collection, Collonge-Bellerive, TH-2010-B-05
> Graphics and Multiples (2)

Mon 16 Sep 2024 - 17:58:18

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