"Zum Schlaf / Joseph", 1993 [To Sleep / Joseph], oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm, privat collection, Knokke-Heist, TH-1993-B-09
"Die Aggregatzustände des Bildes", 1993 [The Aggregate State of the Painting], painted glass, metal, chrome, alcohol, 2 holders for the thermometer 140 x 70 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-B-10
"Ideale Bildtemperatur (gelb/blau)", 1993 [Ideal Painting Temperature], painted glass, metal, chrome, alcohol, 2 holders for the thermometer, 160 x 60 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1993-B-11
"Ideale Bildtemperatur (orange/rot)", 1993 [Ideal Painting Temperature], painted glass, metal, chrome, alcohol, 2 holders for the thermometer, 120 x 70 x 10 cm, privat collection, Lausanne, TH-1993-B-12
"Opus", 1993 (Opus), painted glass, metal, chrome, alcohol, 2 holders for the thermometer, 70 x 40 cm, TH-1993-B-13
"Ateliersituation Mettmann", 1993 Mettmann Studio, photo: C.v.K.
"Opus", 1993 (Opus), various materials: wood, ceramics, metal, glass, 74,5 x 189,5 x 54 cm, Centraal Museum Utrecht, TH-1993-O-06