(The Peal of the Bells), mixed media, model for Huberville, 1:10, situation with models, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-2000-DF-05
"Glockenläuten", 1999 (The Peal of the Bells), mixed media, model for Huberville, 1:10, situation with models, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-2000-DF-05
"Glockenläuten", 1999 [The Peal of the Bells], mixed media, model for Huberville, 1:10, situation with models, Mamco, Genf (2012), collection: FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou
"Säulenreihe, Rohbau und Menschheit", 1999 [Colonade, Building Shell, and Humanity], mixed media, model for Huberville, 1:10, situation with models, Mamco Geneva, Frac Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-1999-M-12, 13 +14
"Glockenturm und Uhrturm", 1999 [Bell Tower and Clock Tower] painted wood (with computer-controlled loudspeakers for the chronologically identical reproduction of the sound of the bells from Münster cathedral), 300 x 80 x 80 cm, clock tower: foru clocks, wood, painted, 254 x 50 x 50 cm, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-1999-M-08 und 09
"Scena", 1999 [Scene], painted wood, 90 x 150 x 120 cm, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-1999-M-10
"Eine schreckliche Geschichte", 1999 [A Terrible Story], model of the city Huberville, scale 1:10, painted wood, 160 x 260 x 160 cm, 1/2, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, TH-1999-M-04
"Bibliothek", 1999 (Library), model of the city Huberville, Maßstab 1:10, aluminium, 150 x 240 x 100 cm, Frac Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-1999-M-02
"Stadtpavillon", 1999 [City Pavilion], modelof the city Huberville: 1:10, painted wood, 120 x 140 x 140 cm, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, TH-1999-M-04
"Panorama", 1999 Drawing with Paintmarker pens on wood, 172 x 444 cm, Frac Bretagne, Châteaugiron, TH-1999-Z-02
"Das Bild", 2000 (The Painting), plotter on canvas, 150 x 200 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-2000-Z-05
"Glockenläuten II", 2000 [The Peal of Bells II], oil on canvas, 200 x 300cm, art collection Kanton Zürich, TH-2000-B-01