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Thomas Huber

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Jacob’s Dream I

"Jakobs Traum I", 1997
[Jacob’s Dream I], oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, Centraal Museum Utrecht, TH-1997-B-02

“I was a figure of identification. People liked me, audiences streamed into the paintings. We were a successful pair then, you and I, figure and ground. Can you remember? That was a beautiful time, we spent our happiest hours with one another. And today all we have are problems.” We were a problem, you say, the figure-ground problem."
   -T.H., Jakobs Traum [Jacob’s Dream]-

> Graphics and Multiples (1)


  PDF:  Jakobs-Traum-neu1998.pdf

  PDF:  La-reve-de-Jacob-1998.pdf

Gallery (9)

TH-1997-B-02.jpg "Jakobs Traum I", 1997
[Jacob’s Dream I], oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, Centraal Museum Utrecht, TH-1997-B-02
TH-1997-B-03.jpg "Jakobs Traum II", 1997
[Jacob’s Dream II], oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts / Lausanne, TH-1997-B-03
TH-1996-I-01.jpg "Le Sommeil (Theater)", 1996
[Sleep], acrylic on wall, 303 x 1145 cm, "Le Sommeil", Galerie Skopia, Geneva, 05.10. - 07.12. 1996, TH-1996-I-01
TH-1997-M-1.jpg "Schlaf II", 1997
[Sleeping II], model theatre, acrylic on carton, 70 x 30 x 40 cm, Centraal Museum Utrecht, TH-1997-M-01
TH-1997-Z-1.jpg "Jakobs Traum I", 1997
[Jacob's Dream I], preparatory drawing, pen on aluminium, coated wooden panel, 200 x 300 cm, owner: ?, TH-1997-Z-01
TH-1997-Z-2.jpg "Jakobs Traum II", 1997
[Jacob's Dream II], preparatory drawing, pen on aluminium, coated wooden panel, 200 x 300 cm, Thomas Huber, Berlin, TH-1997-Z-02
TH-1999-B-1.jpg "Bühne", 1999
[The Stage], oil on canvas, 240 x 400 cm, Centre PasquArt, Biel/Bienne, TH-1999-B-01
TH-1999-A-01.jpg "Bühne", 1999
[The Stage], water colour, 107 x 174 cm, privat collection, Karlsruhe, TH-1999-A-01
TH-1995-B-5.jpg "Künstler", 1995
[The Artist], oil on canvas, 60 x 40 cm, privat collection, Alt Zachun, TH-1995-B-05
> Graphics and Multiples (1)

Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 17:40:25

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