"Die Urgeschichte der Bilder",
[The Primeval History of Paintings], Ensemble: 1 painting and 4 painted wooden aquariums, oil on pinewood, 120 x 300 cm (painting), 110 x 180 x 70 cm (objects), Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1987-DF-02
"Die Urgeschichte der Bilder", 1987 [The Primeval History of Paintings], oil on canvas, 120 x 300 cm, Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1987-B-05
"Die Urgeschichte der Bilder", 1987 [The Primeval History of Paintings], Ensemble: 1 painting and 4 painted wooden aquariums, oil on pinewood, 120 x 300 cm (painting), 110 x 180 x 70 cm (objects), Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1987-DF-02
"Die Urgeschichte der Bilder", 1987 [The Primeval History of Paintings], Installation: Ensemble: 1 painting and 4 painted wooden aquariums, oil on pinewood,, 120 x 300 cm (painting), 110 x 180 x 70 cm (objects), Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1987-DF-02
"Protozoa", 1987 Oil on wood, 110 x 180 x 70cm, Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg, TH-1987-O-2a